Last week, a man in Ghaziabad was forced to pay 10 crores to an anonymous hacker threatening to circulate his inappropriate photos and leak sensitive family details on the internet. The man stated that the cybercriminals had hacked his email and succeeded in changing his password. According to the victim, the hacker had been keeping close tabs on his family and their daily activities, constantly harassing them. The man filed a report against the hacker, employing the police to further look into this crime. Upon investigation, the cyber cell found out that the IP address of the hacker could be traced back to the house of the victim, which meant that the threat was being sent by someone in his house.
After interrogating everyone in the household the police discovered that the son of the victim was the “hacker” behind the threats. After obtaining a confession, the actions of the victim’s son were brought to light. Apparently the 11 year old had been watching videos on YouTube regarding hacking and learning how to commit cybercrime without getting caught. This inspired him to blackmail his father and extort 10 crores from his bank account. The police are still investigating this situation.